"Welcome to our Client Testimonials page, where real-life success stories converge. Our clients have transformed their lives through our comprehensive services, including our flagship 5-Week Weight-loss Mindset Transformation Programs. Beyond mere dieting, we offer a therapeutic pathway to weight loss by integrating realistic strategies, professional counseling, vior behavior modification, mindset coaching, meditation, and more.

Our clients are professionals and individuals from middle and upper classes who've made the commitment to break the cycle of generational obesity, overcome compulsive eating, and heal from past experiences that affected their relationship with food. These testimonies represent the efficacy of our unique 3-component approach—'Eat Better' with our 3-2-1 Daily Meal Plan, 'Live Better' through targeted weight loss meditation, and 'Feel Better' with exercise and movement for all levels.

We invite you to explore these remarkable stories and see how our services have not only changed bodies but also reshaped lives. If you're serious about transforming your weight and wellness, now is the time to take action. Let us be your partners in this life-changing journey. Contact us today to embark on your own transformative experience."

Change your Mind, Change your Waistline




Press play and turn the volume up.

Current Client transforming with I.R.I.S.E since 2019!!! This is a journey not a SPRINT...



Featured Testimony !!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐I'M DOWN 130 plus lbs & counting"!

"I've battled with weight off and on my entire life, and suffered from the effects of it: exhaustion, difficulty sleeping. feeling foggy, chronic health issues and the list goes on, but not anymore. This program has helped me discover who I am, and why I eat. As a result I'm living a healthy lifestyle and releasing the unwanted weight.


Tamisha N., Current Client 05/25/23

"All I can say is, where do I sign up for the life time membership". I just got started and this program has truly changed my life and my waist line


Monica X., AK 06/06/23

"19 pounds gone and the workouts are challenging yet so rewarding. The mental strength exercises truly help.


Rachel G., Reno, NV 06/11/23


A Continuation of the Journey “Reaching my goal weight was a dream come true, but the journey doesn't end there. The maintenance program is the guidebook to my new life.”


L.T, Current Client 07/23/23

"I can't believe this is not a diet, After following just her detox program for 3 weeks, I dropped 16 pounds, and my mindset has truly changed as well as my life since working with Coach. This is not a diet, this is weight loss on steriods, with a whole lote of mindset". She is the only of her kind!! Start Now.


Stephanie F., Carson City, NV 05/01/23


“24 pounds lighter, and the workouts and mental exercises have truly transformed my life."


Sarah H., Tempe, AZ 04/04/23


The Blueprint to Healthy Eating! "The 5 Week Transformation Program has done wonders for my health and physique, especially the meal plan. It’s more than just a diet—it's an education in nourishing your body."


Carmen H., Jackson, MS 06/13/23

Size Does Matter "Down 27 pounds and several dress sizes. This is a revolution for both my wardrobe and my spirit."


Amanda T., Orlando, FL 10/22/22


Beyond Diets, "It’s not about dieting; it's about living. Coach Kenya is the real deal, and her program reflects her passion and knowledge.


Elise T., Denver, CO 06/01/23

Renewed Mind, Reenergized Body "Coach Kenya’s program delves deep. My mindset has shifted and my body has never been more alive."


Danielle P., Portland, OR 06/12/23

Emotional and Physical Uplift "From the Zoom sessions with Coach Kenya to the thriving Facebook community, I've felt supported at every turn. This isn't a program; it's a family."


Helen W., Atlanta, GA 05/28/23

Daily Engagement, Lasting Change "The accountability Zoom sessions and community support kept me on track. Every day was a step forward."


Karen D., Boise, ID 05/30/23

"23 pounds off, and I'm amazed at my own strength. The workouts are top-notch, and the mental tools invaluable."


Alicia R., Tampa, FL 06/02/23

Sustainable Success "I've bounced back before after losing weight, but with the guidance on maintaining my progress, I feel unstoppable."


Rachel J., Baton Rouge, LA 06/07/23

"23 pounds lighter and feeling stronger with every workout. The mental exercises help me stay on track."


Wendy P., Columbia, SC 06/10/23

More Than Weight Loss "Lost 20 pounds and counting, but it's the inches that have transformed my silhouette and self-worth."


Lucy H., Columbia, SC 06/12/23

22 pounds down and the workouts are never dull. The mindset shifts have been a lifeline!"


Isabel Z., Salem, OR 05/14/23


Beyond the Scale, "Lost 14 pounds and found a new mindset. Every day, I feel more in tune with my body and emotions. Coach Kenya's program isn't just about shedding weight—it's about shedding old beliefs and habits."


Sylvia T., Current Client 04/23/23

"Lost 22 pounds, and I’m loving the workouts. The mindset techniques keep me grounded and determined."


Morgan H., RI 02/14/23

Worth Every Penny! "Three weeks into Coach Kenya's 5-Week Transformation Program and I've already dropped 15 pounds! The best part? I'm learning to enjoy the journey rather than just focusing on the destination. The mindfulness meditation practices have improved my mental health significantly. The recipes are simple and scrumptious, and I feel more confident each day. If you're looking for a complete transformation, this is it!"


Tasha T., AZ 02/01/23

Three weeks in, and I've already released 15 pounds, but more importantly, I've gained a new outlook on health, food, and self-love. This isn't just another program; it's a transformative experience.


Katie Bell, KY 11/22/22

“Losing 21 pounds felt great, but it’s the workouts and the mindset lessons that truly make a difference."


Penelope A., Honolulu, HI 05/05/23

"25 pounds lighter, and the workouts keep me energized. Mindset practices have truly changed my perspective."


Amy G., Phoenix, AZ 05/14/22

Nutrition Redefined "With over 80 meal and snack ideas, I never felt deprived. Every bite was a delightful experience, and I learned so much."


Kenyatte T. 06/01/23

"Coach showed up at the right time. I have been praying and asking God for guidance because I have battled with weight my whole life. Now I have a real solution to ,my real problem, emotional eating. She has taught a whole new way of living". This program is life changing and weight loss is the benefit of a changed mind". I have been dieting since I was a child and today I have tools and solutions to the reasons I use to eat. It's a whole lot of healing happening here. It's profound.


Natalie P., Decatur, GA

Empowerment at its Finest, "The inspiring tale gave me a jolt of motivation to stop settling for less and make those changes. The outlined action steps are the bonus that ensure this isn't just another story but a lifestyle change."


Felicia R., Phoenix, AZ 06/16/23

"I've released 10 pounds, but more importantly, I've released decades of negative self-talk. The power of this program goes beyond the scale." :"I've released 10 pounds, but more importantly, I've released decades of negative self-talk. The power of this program goes beyond the scale."


Heather Z., Bismarck, ND 05/12/22

Body & Mind Renewed "Down 24 pounds and over 3 inches from my waist alone. This journey has changed both my figure and my mindset."


Vanessa L., Boise, ID 06/08/23

A Transformative Experience “Down 18 pounds and several inches from my waist. Feeling and looking better than I have in years!”


Natalie Q., Fargo, ND 07/09/23

A Stunning Silhouette Shift "21 pounds down and a dramatic loss in inches. My body has truly undergone a beautiful transformation."


Brenda W., Fort Worth, TX 07/11/23

A Coach in Every Sense "Coach Kenya’s personal journey inspires and her guidance is unparalleled. She's not just a coach; she's a mentor for life."


Karen L., Denver, CO 07/23/23

More Than Weight Loss "Lost 14 pounds in three weeks! But it's the healthier lifestyle and improved mindset that truly set this program apart. Highly recommend!"


Andrea P., Tucson, AZ 07/01/23

Nourishing and Fulfilling!


Kelsey D., Sacramento, CA 07/14/23

Not Just a Phase "The 5-Week Transformation was just the beginning of me truly changing my mindset and my relationship with food. The results are real!


Lillian V., Dover, DE 07/11/23

“26 pounds down and inches off, especially with those effective workouts! The mindset exercises keep me focused."


Ramona C, Current Coaching Client - TX 05/14/23


"I've already released over 41 pounds and gained MY LIFE back in many ways, when they all counted me out." Since starting Coach's program I can honestly say my life will never be the same. She has awaken some things, taught me some things and I've a had to let a lot of things I thought I knew. This program works and you are not on a diet, you are learning to heal and live again, if you ask me. I would say start now, be sure your ready, because this is NOT a DIET!!


Catrena B., Current Coaching Client - Chicago 06/01/23


"I love the program, It's truly changed my life". I've vowed to get the nutrition I need by following her program and by making it individualized for me has been perfect. I have lost weight and I've lost inches. I've lost more inches to date than weight. My skin is glowing, I have more energy and I'm moving around better. I was limited in my mobility, but with the work out program I'm moving better and I'm not as short of breath. It's really working for me. The movements are modified and effective. The program is wonderful. I love the exercises. When I started out exercising from my bed I didn't think that it was possible. I'll always make this statement with this program. When I learned how to exercise from my bed, I felt human." I felt like a human being again. All programs require movement, this one makes it work for you. I never thought in my sickness I could exercise because of my mobility and coach showed me, Nope you can do it", right from my bed. This program is not a diet, it's a lifestyle"!


K. T., Current Coaching Client - AL 06/01/23


Coach showed up at the right time. I have been praying and asking God for guidance because I have battled with weight my whole life. Now I have a real solution to ,my real problem, emotional eating. She has taught a whole new way of living". This program is life changing and weight loss is the benefit of a changed mind". I have been dieting since I was a child and today I have tools and solutions to the reasons I use to eat. It's a whole lot of healing happening here. It's profound.


Theresa H., Current Client- NC 06/01/23


I wish I could give more than 5 stars!!!! The 5 Week Transformation program is a life changing, motivating, life saving experience. It is the best investment I have made for myself. I have been on many programs in my life, but by far this is the best one yet, mind, body and soul. My Motto Diets are not for me I am going to live achieving it not DIE trying it . #1 Coach Kenya Elliott Team IRISE.

More Client Testimonials


Amy S. , AZ Graduated Client 11/10/21


“At my biggest weight I was almost 450 lbs. I’ve been working with coach for many years as I result I’ve shed over 275 lbs and kept it off with her support and guidance. Her techniques and lifestyle changes truly work. I can do things that use to challenge me, I can reach down and tie my own shoes, chase my kids or crawl on the floor. Now i'm finally living, "Changing my mind & how I look at food, made the difference".

“At my biggest weight I was almost 450 lbs. I’ve been working with coach for many years as I result I’ve shed over 275 lbs and kept it off with her support and guidance. Her techniques and lifestyle changes truly work. I can do things that use to challenge me, I can reach down and tie my own shoes, chase my kids or crawl on the floor. Now i'm finally living, "Changing my mind & how I look at food, made the difference".


Yvette H., AZ Graduated Client 07/01/22


“I love Coach Kenya, the products and her coaching program! I could not be more pleased with my experience working with Kenya. Over 16 pounds released in less than a 2 weeks, you cant beat that. She truly understands weight-loss. You will have increased energy, sleep better and get your life back! I highly recommend her to anyone looking start their weight-loss journey. ""It’s worth every penny"


Yvonne G. | TX. Graduated Client 02/13/22


" I saw Coach Kenya on T.V. and decided to call the number, I figured if she could lose 400 plus lbs. naturally and keep it off, she could show me. I'm so glad I said yes, I released 50 lbs in 2 1/2 following her program with weekly nutritional cleansing, It's the best!! I got my energy back and I even have more patience with my kids. This program really changes your life, you'll never look at food or eating the same again.


Arror M., VA Graduated Client 11/20/21


"I was tired of being tired. I tried other coaches and diet programs, but Kenya is different. The weight begins to melt away! She made me feel comfortable as soon as we met. Her program is personal and she takes the time to get to know you. She holds you accountable for your actions, thoughts and choices. If your tired of looking for a solution to your weight issues, You will not be disappointed!


Florence Mills AZ Current Client 03/23/23


“ I am 85 years young now and i'm still using the system and program. This women knows her stuff". I love the products and coaching program together, they really work.! The changes and results are jaw dropping. I've dropped 35 plus pounds and kept if off for over 1 year. It’s easy, convenient and simple. You can't beat nutrition that works and gives the results. you want!"


Brooke B. , MI Graduated Client 11/12/21


"I never thought I'd be able to lose weight and keep it off, I am a busy Mom and her program is the most comprehensive, thorough and effective I have ever seen. In just two weeks, I dropped 17 pounds following her program. Her no nonsense approach to weight-loss is unlike any other coach out there. I highly recommend program and nutrition system to everyone!


Qunitea P., Mesa, AZ 02/13/23


"I've tried a million diets, and program's, this is the first one that does what it says it does. I will no longer look at food the same. I've lost weight and didnt diet one day. Ilove this lifestyle".


Jessica S., Scottsdale, AZ 11/23/22


A True Eye-Opener, "Beyond just being inspired, this journey offers a clear path forward. No more hiding behind excuses; it's time to take actionable steps towards a healthier me!"


Brenda F., Manchester, NH 07/01/23


Embracing My New Shape "23 pounds down and a total of 5 inches off my waist. Never felt or looked better."


Patricia O., Seattle, WA 06/15/23


No More Yo-Yo Weight "Goodbye binge eating, hello real health! The program has given me tools to make lasting changes."


Diane S., Seattle, WA 07/02/23


A Refreshing Approach "Moving away from restrictive diets and embracing a lifestyle of health and mindfulness has been revolutionary for me. I’m forever grateful."


Danielle W., Tucson, AZ 06/21/23


A New Way of Living “Weight loss was phase one. The maintenance program taught me to live my best life, every day.”


Julia F., Albuquerque, NM 05/30/23


Life After Weight Loss “I never thought I'd find a program that focuses not just on losing the weight but maintaining it. This is next-level. Feeling confident about my future!”


Katherine R., Detroit, MI 05/22/23

Real-time Coaching, Real-time Results "Direct access to Coach Kenya was invaluable. It was like having a personal coach guiding me at every step."


Brooke A., Omaha, NE 07/11/23

Staying On Track “Weight loss is one thing, but staying on track? That's the real challenge. Coach Kenya's maintenance program has been my compass.”


Monica L., Phoenix, AZ 08/01/23


Revolutionized My Eating Habits! "The 5 Week Transformation Program's meal plan is a game-changer. The guidance on nutrition and the delicious recipes have reshaped my relationship with food. I've never felt this good!"


Lisa G., Decatur, GA 05/01/23


Beyond Satisfied! "I was initially drawn to the weight loss aspect, but it's the meal plan that truly amazed me. Delicious, satisfying, and incredibly effective; I can't praise it enough!"


Tee G., AZ 04/30/23

"I love this program, the mindset portion has truly changed my habits and thinking around food. If your tired of dieting, Coach has your back


N.J. 06/22/23


"Transformative and Inspiring "I've been on Coach Kenya's 5-Week Transformation Program for three weeks, and I'm already seeing fantastic results. I've lost 14 pounds and gained a new outlook on health and nutrition. The Facebook community and Coach Kenya's constant support and guidance have been instrumental in my progress. This program is different - it's more than just a weight loss journey, it's a journey to self-love and sustainable health."


Michelle G., Montgomery, AL 06/14/23


"Remarkable Reshape "Shedding 26 pounds felt amazing, but seeing the inches melt away was the true magic."


Paula E., Hartford, CT 04/03/23


Achieving the Unthinkable "Lost 15 pounds, and I'm ecstatic! The inches lost around my waist and thighs have transformed my confidence."


Diane N., Providence, RI b 03/03/23


"Reshaped & Reinvigorated "Shedding 28 pounds was a thrill, but the inches off my hips and waist have given me a new lease on life!" Start today, you won't regret it!


Nessa H., Columbus, OH 03/15/23

"Real Results, Lasting Change "The program's focus on holistic wellness is a game changer. It's not just about weight, it's about overall well-being. I've never felt better."


M.G. 02/14/23


"I love the program and I love Mrs Elliott." I prayed for this blessing in my life. I know I can reach my goals with coach".


Alexcia D., WA 02/23/23


"I've been apart of the I.R.I.S.E wellness community for several years and it has truly changed my life". It's not just about the scale moving, it's about transforming your whole life". I've learned so much and grown more than I can imagine. One of the best health decisions I've ever made for a one of a kind program!! Start NOW.


Jessica R., Denver, CO 03/31/23


"Unbelievable Transformation "I started the program with skepticism, but Coach Kenya changed everything for me. The approach is holistic, and for the first time, I felt weight loss was attainable. This isn't just a diet; it's a life-changer." You have to start today, you matter enough.


Stephanie M., Billings, MT 03/03/23


"Body & Soul Transformation "19 pounds lighter and inches off everywhere that mattered. This is the gift I gave myself."


Jennifer W., Charleston, WV 03/05/23


"Beyond the Numbers "Yes, I've lost 22 pounds, but it's the inches I've shed that have truly made the difference. My silhouette has completely changed."


Michelle S., Las Vegas, NV 03/22/23

"More Than Just Weight Loss "It's been an emotional and physical journey. This program has made me reflect, appreciate, and grow in ways I never thought possible."


Laura M., Mesa, AZ 04/01/23


"Game Changer! "Such an impactful narrative that nudges you to shelve those excuses and rise to the challenge. I'm now armed with practical steps to reshape my life. Truly transformative!"


Nicole P., Salt Lake City, UT 05/11/23

"Lifelong Confidence "Knowing there's a plan in place after the weight loss gives me such peace of mind. This isn't a temporary fix; it's a lifelong commitment to health."


Samantha F., Jacksonville, FL 05/10/23

'"Tackling Mind and Body, "It’s rare to find a program that focuses on both physical health and mental well-being. This does both beautifully."


Shannon K., Baton Rouge, LA 06/12/23

"Whole Body Transformation "20 pounds lighter and counting! And I've lost more inches than I ever dreamed possible. Feeling truly reborn."


Claire W., Lansing, MI 06/12/23

“23 pounds lighter and I've never felt more toned. The workouts and mindset sessions are game-changers!"


Danis T., Miami, FL 06/15/23


" Personal Touch in Every Aspect "From the meals to the workouts to the meditations - everything feels like it was made just for me."


Ra M., Atlanta, GA 06/20/23


" Comprehensive and Delicious "The meal plan in this program is well-researched, delicious, and genuinely sustainable. I've not only lost weight but have learned so much about balanced eating. Highly recommend!"


Ben S., Seattle, WA 06/21/23


"Exceptional Program "I've released 12 pounds in just three weeks with Coach Kenya's program. It's not just the weight loss, it's the newfound confidence that's truly transformative."


Karen V., Boston, MA 06/22/23


"Mindfulness in Motion "I've tried many programs, but none emphasized the power of the mind like this. The daily meditations have brought peace to my chaotic life."


Laura K., San Diego, CA 06/22/23


"A True Lifesaver, "Being part of this program has been transformative. The daily affirmations and mindfulness practices have improved not only my body but my mindset."


Megan T., Orlando, FL 06/23/23


"Building Habits, Not Just Results "Lost the pounds and learned the skills to keep them off. The maintenance program is a game-changer."


Kimberly O., Springfield, IL 06/23/23


"Weight & Inches Melted Away “Not only have I lost 25 pounds, but the inches have just melted off! This isn't just about weight, it's about reshaping my entire body.”


Allison T., Roswell, GA 06/24/23


"No More Holding Back, "Inspired beyond words! It's more than just a moving story; it's a roadmap. Excuses have kept me stagnant for too long; now, I have the tools and steps to move forward."


Bethany N., Chicago, IL 07/01/23


"In Coach Kenya We Trust "To say Coach Kenya is amazing would be an understatement. Her journey inspires, and her guidance transforms."


Jessica L., Nashville, TN 07/02/23


"Worth Every Moment, "Every Zoom session, every affirmation, every meal choice... It all adds up to a transformative experience I'd recommend to anyone."


Megan C., Indianapolis, IN 07/14/23


"Embracing the New Me, "After 5 weeks, I'm not just looking better, I'm living better. Every aspect of my life has been touched and improved."


Hannah L., San Francisco, CA 07/14/23


"Not a Diet, A Lifestyle "This program has given me tools and habits I’ll carry with me always. I've truly learned to make every calorie count."


Nicole P., San Jose, CA 07/15/23


"Affirmations That Affirm Life "The daily affirmations have not only changed my view about my body but about life in general. Positivity radiates."


Heather M., Milwaukee, WI 07/16/23


Daily Doses of Inspiration "The program offers so much more than weight loss. It's a daily dose of inspiration and empowerment."


Lara B., Phoenix, AZ 07/18/23


"A True Transformation! "Sure, I've lost 15 pounds in five weeks, but the transformation in how I think about food, exercise, and myself? Priceless. This program is truly holistic."


LaCresia W. 06/30/23


Priceless. "Waist is snatched", there is no other program like this"! This is truly a lifestyle change.


Rebecca G., Atlanta, GA 07/02/23


"Life-altering Program! "Coach Kenya's 5-Week Transformation Program has been an absolute revelation! In three weeks, I've shed 13 pounds, and my energy levels have soared. I'm doing workouts I never thought I could, and the guided meal plans have revolutionized how I eat. Plus, the supportive community has been fantastic for keeping me accountable. It's not just a weight loss program, it's a lifestyle overhaul."


Caroline M., Los Angeles, CA 08/01/23


"A Beacon of Inspiration "Coach Kenya's story alone is motivation. Following her program feels like following a beacon of hope."


Lisa J., Houston, TX 08/03/23


"Comprehensive and Caring "It covers all bases – from food to fitness to mindset. Every aspect is cared for. And it all feels so personalized!"


Megan R., Austin, TX 07/01/23


"New Mindset, New Me! "After the 5-Week Transformation, not only did I lose 13 pounds, but I learned to approach food and life differently. The mindfulness exercises have truly shifted my perspective. Can't thank Coach Kenya enough!"


P. K., NJ 08/01/23


“Coach Kenya is a weight-loss genius and understands the barriers to weight loss, obesity and emotional eating. No one else discusses or digs into the thinking patterns and behaviors that she can personally relate to. Start today.


Monica R., El Paso, TX 07/11/23


" Embracing Every Calorie "No more guilt trips. Now I enjoy every bite knowing I'm fueling my body right. The meal plans are genius!"


Maria V., Philadelphia, PA 07/01/23


" Community Like No Other, "The 24/7 support and engagement from the community is unparalleled. It’s like having a family cheering you on constantly."


Whitney E., Charlotte, NC 07/05/23


" Meals that Fuel the Soul, "Every recipe is a discovery! The guided nutrition made me realize food can be both delicious and nourishing."UnpublishShare your reviewReply review


Stephanie K., Austin, TX 07/05/23


" Community Like No Other, "The 24/7 support and engagement from the community is unparalleled. It’s like having a family cheering you on constantly."
A Treasure Trove of Recipes "I’ve rediscovered the joy of eating. The variety and flavor in the meal plans are outstanding."

Are you ready to EAT BETTER. FEEL BETTER. LIVE BETTER with a proven, resulted oriented system?



Lose the Weight NOT the Taste!


Bryan Thompson, LA 04/21/23


"I used to struggle with portion control. Your guide was a lifesaver. I've lost 19 pounds and feel great".


Claire E., LA 04/ 31/23


"The weekly cooking sessions were enjoyable and educational. I've lost 15 pounds and have a new love for cooking!


Mark S. Lee, LA 04/ 31/23


"I was drawn to the 5-week plan for its realistic strategies and methods. I've lost 27 pounds and feel in control.".


T. Johnson, AL 05/ 01/23


"Accountability and healing from trauma were key for me. Your program delivered, and I've lost 16 pounds".


Emily Mitchell, AL 05/ 05/23


"I've never felt so supported in my weight loss journey. The 3-2-1 Meal Plan is different, and I've lost 22 pounds.!".


Baxter, MI 5/ 05/23


"Your program is both fun and professional. I've lost 20 pounds and learned so much!".


Kimberly L. Smith, BA 5/ 05/23


"I appreciate the focus on healing trauma and past experiences related to food. I've lost 18 pounds and feel free".


Peter R., LA 5/ 09/23


"The recipes are fantastic, and the portion control guide is very helpful. I've lost 15 pounds and feel amazing".


Samantha Allen., IL 5/ 09/23


"I've tried other diets, but this one works. The focus on mindset and compulsive eating helped me lose 23 pounds".


Oliver K., LGA 5/09/23


"I loved the 3-2-1 Daily Guided Meal Plan! It's not about restricting; it's about enjoying. I've lost 14 pounds".


Natalie Whitehead, LA 5/11/23


"This is not just another diet. It's a comprehensive plan with meditation, exercise, and great food. 26 pounds down!


Jake M., RI 5/11/23


"Food obsession was controlling my life. Your support and strategies helped me break free and lose 19 pounds."!


Bethany Thompson, NJ 5/11/23


"The program's mindfulness approach has made a huge difference in my eating habits. 17 pounds lighter, and I feel great!"!


Chris E., GA 5/11/23


"I never thought I could lose weight and enjoy cooking at the same time. 20 pounds down and loving my kitchen"!


Andrea S. Lee, LA 5/11/23


"The guided meal plan took the guesswork out of eating. I'm 13 pounds lighter and feel confident about my food choices.".


M. Johnson, KY 5/11/23


"The wealth of recipes and knowledge in this program is incredible. 24 pounds down and still enjoying every meal".


Rachel J., Baton Rouge, FL 5/11/23


"I've never experienced a meal plan like this! The recipes are delightful, and cooking with a coach is a game-changer. 18 pounds down!"


Mark S., Chicago, IL 6/15/23


"I've never experienced a meal plan like this! The recipes are delightful, and cooking with a coach is a game-changer. 18 pounds down!"


Susan M., Miami, FL 6/12/23


"This isn't just a meal plan; it's a life plan! The recipes are exquisite, and the eating out guide is priceless. Lost 15 pounds!"


Kevin T., Dallas, TX 7/6/23


"With over 50 bonus recipes and exceptional coaching, this meal plan has set me free from food obsession. I'm 30 pounds down!"


Emily W., CA 8/01/23


"The portion control guide has been a revelation! The food noise is gone, and I'm 17 pounds lighter!"


Sarah L. 06/01/23


"Weekly cook-with-coach sessions are so enriching! Lost 19 pounds and gained invaluable knowledge."


Tim M. 4/23/23


"The bonus recipes and eating out guide have empowered me to lose 22 pounds with ease and pleasure!"


Nan F. 11/12/22


"Never felt so cared for in a weight loss program. The recipes, guidance, and support are top-notch. 27 pounds lighter!"


Robert D., Boston, MA 10/31/22


"From the recipes to portion control, everything is thoughtfully crafted. I'm 25 pounds down, and food obsession is a thing of the past!"


Lisa H., Phoenix, AZ 12/02/22


"The 5-week plan has revolutionized my kitchen habits. I've lost 20 pounds and feel amazing. The food noise is gone!"


James P. WA 08/01/22


"No other meal plan compares! The coaching and recipes have helped me shed 24 pounds and reconnect with myself."


Karen R., AZ 02/28/23


"Guidance, support, and nutrition-approved recipes have been a lifesaver. Down 21 pounds and loving every bite!"


Mike E. 05/13/22


"The wealth of recipes and personalized coaching is unparalleled. Lost 26 pounds and counting!"


Amy B., Minneapolis, MN 05/17/22


"This meal plan is like no other. Nutritious, delicious, and nurturing. I've lost 18 pounds and gained control over food obsession."


Jennifer L., Orlando, FL 05/29/22


"The 3-2-1 Daily Guided Meal Plan has changed my relationship with food. The coaching, recipes, and support are top-notch. 20 pounds lighter and never going back!"


Thomas K., AR 11/01/22


"I love the eating out guide and bonus recipes. They've added a new dimension to my weight loss journey. 24 pounds down, and it's all thanks to this fantastic program!"


Olivia P. 12/23/22


"The portion control guide and weekly cook-with-coach sessions are exactly what I needed. I've lost 18 pounds and feel more empowered and in control!"


John D. 12/31/22


"The 5-week 3-2-1 plan has changed my relationship with food. The portion control guide is brilliant, and the recipes are delightful. 21 pounds lighter!"


Michelle T. 01/04/23


"I never thought a meal plan could be so empowering. The weekly cook-with-coach sessions are incredible, and the food noise support is just what I needed. 24 pounds down!"


Cindy L. 01/08/23


"This meal plan is so much more than just recipes; it's a life transformation. The wealth of knowledge in the 3-2-1 program has helped me lose 22 pounds!"


Robert S. 02/05/23


"The support for food obsession is what sets this plan apart. The coaching, the recipes, everything is just perfect. I've lost 20 pounds and feel amazing!"


Sarah Mitchell 02/05/23


"Lost 15 pounds and discovered new, delicious meals. The portion control guide is a game-changer!


James Carter 02/09/23


"The weekly cook-with-coach sessions are fun and informative. I've never felt more empowered in my kitchen.


Tina B. 06/17/23


"28 pounds down, and I've never felt better. The 3-2-1 Meal Plan is nutritionally balanced and exciting.


Mark T. Lewis 05/04/23


"I struggled with food obsession, but the support and tools in this program have helped me find freedom and lose 18 pounds.


Rebecca White 08/01/23


"50 Bonus recipes kept things fresh and interesting. My whole family loves the meals!


K. Johnson 7/23/23


"The eating out guide has been invaluable for my busy lifestyle. I've lost 20 pounds and still enjoy social dinners.


Matthew Scott 06/06/23


"I thought I knew portion control, but this program took it to a new level. Lost 12 pounds and feel fantastic!


Laura E. 11/20/22


"5 weeks transformed my relationship with food. The mental exercises were key in my 25-pound weight loss.


Brian Thompson 04/32/23


"I was skeptical at first, but the recipes and cooking sessions were exactly what I needed. 17 pounds lighter now!


Jennifer M. 06/23/23


"Your program is truly therapeutic. It's not just about losing weight but finding peace with food. I've lost 17 pounds".


Eric W. Whitehead 07/11/23


The meditation and exercises for all levels make this program unique. I've lost 20 pounds and gained strength.


Nancy O. 06/01/23


"The recipes, the support, the mindfulness – it all came together for me. I'm 25 pounds lighter!


Timothy A. Allen 07/01/23


"I've never found a meal plan that addressed food noise and obsession like yours. 18 pounds down and feeling strong".


Kelly R. Lewis 07/15/23


"I've never found a meal plan that addressed food noise and obsession like yours. 18 pounds down and feeling strong".


Robert Smith 05/14/23


"The 3-2-1 Meal Plan isn't just about eating better; it's about living better. I've lost 24 pounds.


Lisa B. Baxter 07/11/23


"Your program's focus on healing trauma and food issues is commendable. I've lost 16 pounds and found peace".


Tom Mitchell 06/01/23


"I never thought I'd enjoy cooking, but your weekly sessions changed that. I've lost 19 pounds and love my meals!


Michelle Johnson 06/11/23


I've lost 22 pounds, and the best part is that I didn't feel like I was on a diet. Your program is unique and effective.!


Andrew Lee 07/07/23


"The guided meal plan and mental exercises were the keys to my success. I've lost 25 pounds and feel empowered.


Chris E. Evans 07/22/23


"The guided meal plan and mental exercises were the keys to my success. I've lost 25 pounds and feel empowered.


Jennifer M. 07/22/23


"Your program is truly therapeutic. It's not just about losing weight but finding peace with food. I've lost 17 pounds."


Nancy 07/22/23


"The recipes, the support, the mindfulness – it all came together for me. I'm 25 pounds lighter!"


W. Whitehead 07/22/23


"The meditation and exercises for all levels make this program unique. I've lost 20 pounds and gained strength."


A. Allen 07/22/23


"I've never found a meal plan that addressed food noise and obsession like yours. 18 pounds down and feeling strong."


Michelle J. 06/22/23


"I've lost 22 pounds, and the best part is that I didn't feel like I was on a diet. Your program is unique and effective."


Andi L. 06/22/23


"The guided meal plan and mental exercises were the keys to my success. I've lost 25 pounds and feel empowered."


C. Evans 06/12/23


"Your program helped me break free from food obsession. I've lost 14 pounds and feel amazing!"


Beth T. 06/12/23


"The cook-with-coach sessions were inspiring and fun. 23 pounds down and loving every meal.!"


Nat W. 06/13/23


"The 3-2-1 Meal Plan changed my life. The bonus recipes and portion control guide were invaluable. I've lost 20 pounds.!"


Olive K. Smith 06/13/23


"I loved the eating out guide. It helped me stay on track and still enjoy life. I've lost 16 pounds and feel great!!"


Sam Allen 06/14/23


"The mental exercises in your program are game-changing. I've lost 19 pounds and have a healthier mindset."


Pete R. Carter 06/13/23


"I've never felt more supported in my weight loss journey. Your program is unique, and I've lost 22 pounds.."


Sara J. 06/13/23


"Your 50 Bonus recipes were a delightful surprise. I've lost 17 pounds without feeling restricted or bored."


E. Clark 06/14/23


"The accountability and support in your program were key for me. I've lost 26 pounds and feel empowered."


J. Williams 06/14/23


"Your focus on compulsive eating and food noise was exactly what I needed. I've lost 15 pounds and feel free."


Becca Lewis 06/14/23


"The 3-2-1 Meal Plan is more than a diet; it's a lifestyle transformation. I've lost 24 pounds and found joy in eating."


Megan Taylor 06/15/23


"Your program is both professional and caring. I've lost 20 pounds and learned so much about myself."


Natalie Davis 06/15/23


"I appreciated the focus on food obsession and noise. Your tools and methods helped me lose 19 pounds."


Laura Moore 06/15/23


"The guided meal plan, recipes, and cooking sessions are fantastic. I've lost 27 pounds and have a new love for cooking."


Allison Thomas 06/15/23


"The guided meal plan, recipes, and cooking sessions are fantastic. I've lost 27 pounds and have a new love for cooking."


Kim Jackson 06/16/23


"I've struggled with food issues for years. Your approach to healing trauma and food obsession was a breakthrough. 15 pounds down!"


Rachel Lee 06/16/23


"I've struggled with food issues for years. Your approach to
Never felt like I was dieting. Your program is about enjoying food and living better. I've lost 21 pounds."


Amanda Harris 06/16/23


"The eating out guide, the recipes, the support - it all worked for me. I've lost 25 pounds and feel fantastic!"


Brittany Hall 06/16/23


"Your program is not a quick fix; it's a life-changer. I've lost 17 pounds and feel mentally and physically strong."


Eliza Allen 06/16/23


"Your program is not a quick fix; it's a life-changer. I've lost 17 pounds and feel mentally and physically strong."


Catherine Wright 06/16/23


"Your program's emphasis on mindset and compulsive eating was exactly what I needed. I've lost 16 pounds and feel great!.


Jessie Lewis 06/17/23


"I loved the focus on healing and mindfulness. Your program is truly therapeutic, and I've lost 18 pounds.!.


Stephanie King 06/17/23


"The 3-2-1 Daily Guided Meal Plan was a refreshing approach to weight loss. 20 pounds down and enjoying every meal!!.


Christina Turner 06/17/23


"The recipes, the support, the mental exercises – I couldn't have asked for more. I'm 26 pounds lighter!


Nicole Brown 06/18/23


"Your program addressed my food noise and obsession like no other. 15 pounds down and feeling strong.!


Victoria Adams 06/18/23


"I appreciated the emphasis on living better and feeling better. Your program is comprehensive, and I've lost 19 pounds.strong.!


Michelle Nelson 06/18/23


"The recipes and weekly cooking sessions were a game-changer for me. 22 pounds lighter and a better cook!"


Samantha Baker 06/18/23


"Your program's focus on trauma and past experiences related to food was invaluable. I've lost 21 pounds and found peace."


Melissa Hall 06/18/23


"I never thought I'd enjoy cooking, but your weekly sessions changed that. I've lost 20 pounds and love my kitchen!."


Tiffany C., 06/19/23


"I lost 17 pounds and the best part is that I didn't feel like I was on a diet. Your program is like no other.!."


Catherine Anderson 06/19/23


"The mental exercises and support were the keys to my 25-pound weight loss. Thank you for changing my life!."


Heather Mitchell 06/19/23


"The 3-2-1 Meal Plan, the bonus recipes, the portion control guide – it's a complete package. I've lost 23 pounds."


Diane Barnes 06/19/23


"Your program's focus on mindset and healing was a perfect fit for me. I've lost 16 pounds and feel whole again."


Sophia Long 06/19/23


"I loved every part of the 5-week program. The recipes, the cooking sessions, the support. I've lost 18 pounds!"


Evelyn Wood 06/19/23


"Your emphasis on not just eating better but living and feeling better made all the difference. I've lost 22 pounds."


Lisa Bennett 06/20/23


"Your program is truly unique. The focus on food noise and mental strength helped me lose 20 pounds."


Angela Murphy 06/20/23


"The guided meal plan, mental exercises, and accountability were just what I needed. I've lost 24 pounds and feel empowered."


Karen C. 06/20/23


"Your approach to weight loss is professional and compassionate. I've lost 19 pounds and gained a new perspective on food."


Lily Simmons 06/20/23


"The 5-week transformation was more than just weight loss. It was a journey to wellness. I've lost 27 pounds and feel great!"




Sarah J., 01/12/23

"This program has been a game-changer for me. The workouts are doable, but challenging, and they have truly helped reshape my body and my mindset. I highly recommend it to anyone on their weight loss journey".


Robert M., 01/25/23

"I've never felt better! The 5-week plan provided me with the tools to better understand my body and what it needs. The difference is not just physical but mental too".


Emily H., 02/04/23

"The guided strength and cardio workouts are fantastic. As someone who was new to exercise, the modified plans were perfect for me".


Marcus L., 02/15/23

"I loved how it was more than just an exercise program. It mentally prepared me to make lifestyle changes that I could sustain".


Karen P.,

"As a busy professional, I've found that the Feel Better plan seamlessly integrates into my day-to-day life. It’s not just about losing weight but also gaining a new, healthier perspective".


Olivia S.,

"I've never felt better! The 5-week plan provided me with the tools to better understand my body and what it needs. The difference is not just physical but mental too".


Jonathan K., 03/25/23

"What makes the Feel Better plan stand out is its flexibility and diversity, ensuring you never get bored. Plus, the accountability aspect keeps you on track".


Maya R., 04/07/23

"For the first time, a fitness program felt like self-care to me. The Feel Better plan has been incredible, and the results are visibly uplifting".


Ethan B., 04/22/23

"As an experienced gym-goer, the Feel Better plan still managed to teach me new ways to improve my workout regimen and my relationship with my body".


Sophia L., 05/05/23

"The Feel Better program isn't just another exercise plan. It is an incredibly balanced approach that takes into account your complete wellness".


Amanda G., 05/20/23

"I've tried many fitness programs, but the Feel Better plan is truly exceptional. The unique combination of strength, flexibility, and cardio made it incredibly effective for me. Within three weeks, my energy levels were noticeably higher".


William T., 05/31/23

"The Feel Better plan has effectively turned me into a believer in holistic fitness. The mind-body connection fostered through the program has significantly reduced my food noise and cravings".


Laura D., 05/31/23

"The effectiveness of this program is evident not just on the weighing scale, but in my enhanced mobility and strength. The weekly routines are so well-designed that they almost feel customized for me".


Jackson P.,

"What sets the Feel Better plan apart is how it reshapes your relationship with fitness and wellness. My mental and emotional blocks related to exercise have disappeared, and I've never felt more in tune with my body".


Tina V., 07/05/23

"If you're looking for a program that offers more than just workouts, this is it. The Feel Better plan has effectively taught me how to incorporate exercise into a balanced life. Plus, the accountability factor is unparalleled".


Carter H., 07/14/23

"I appreciate how the Feel Better plan accommodates different activity levels. I opted for the modified routines and still saw incredible results—my endurance is better than it has ever been".


Michelle R., 07/25/23

"After completing the Feel Better plan, I not only lost weight but also gained a sense of well-being I hadn't felt in years. My posture has improved, and the daily exercises have become a form of meditation for me".


Lewis C., 07/31/23

"I started the Feel Better plan with skepticism but was floored by its effectiveness. It's a well-structured, scientific approach to weight loss that does more than just burn calories—it transforms you".


Rachel S.,

"I could write a novel about the ways the Feel Better plan has improved my life. It’s not just about exercise; it’s about understanding your body and treating it with the respect it deserves. And the results are evident!"


Anthony M.,

"The Feel Better program is in a league of its own. It's helped me bust through a weight-loss plateau that I've been struggling with for years. The mindful approach to exercise is truly groundbreaking."

1:1 Weight-Loss Mindset Coaching with Coach Kenya Elliott

"The customized meal plans and exercises are great, but the mindset coaching is the real gem here."

Steven Q. 04/15/23

"Each session built my confidence and empowered me to make healthier choices. I owe my success to this program."

Sophia N. 05/01/23

"The one-on-one sessions make it so personalized. It's like having a friend guide you through your weight-loss journey."

Roger D. 05/15/23

"I feel more in control of my food choices and overall lifestyle. Highly recommend!"

Anne L. 03/03/23

"The emotional and psychological support provided helped me overcome barriers I didn't even know I had."

Bryay M. 03/15/23

"The program gave me the tools I needed to make smarter, healthier choices every day."

Lisa P. 04/01/23

"The private sessions were a game-changer for me. The tailored strategies helped me understand my relationship with food like never before."

Sara M. 12/12/22

"The accountability and support are unmatched. I’ve not only lost weight but also gained a healthier mindset."

Johna T. 12/25/22

A holistic approach that addresses not just diet but also emotional and psychological aspects. I feel like a new person."

Laura C. 01/2/23

"This program has helped me sustain my weight-loss goals by making me more mindful of my eating habits."

Mark S. 01/15/23

"I was skeptical at first, but the results are undeniable. The private sessions made all the difference."

Emily R. 02/01/23

"The personal attention and actionable tips I received have made my weight loss journey less daunting."

David K. 02/20/23

"The mindset coaching helped me break my emotional eating cycle. I finally feel free from my food struggles."

Tina V. 06/01/23

"I was skeptical at first, but the results are undeniable. The private sessions made all the difference."

Kevin Z. 06/15/23

"The psychological aspect of this program is a game-changer. It has been crucial in maintaining my weight loss."

Michelle F. 07/01/23

"The accountability aspect of the program is extraordinary. It kept me focused and consistent."

Daniel A. 07/15/23

"I learned to confront and heal from my past traumas that were affecting my relationship with food."

Janet W. 07/31/23

"The detailed action plans after each session gave me clarity and a sense of direction."

Harry R. 08/01/23:

"It’s amazing how understanding my mindset made my weight-loss journey so much easier."

Paula S. 08/07/23

"The program taught me how to not just eat better, but live better and feel better in my own skin."

Alex O. 08/10/23

"I've tried other programs, but the one-on-one intensive sessions here provided the accountability I needed."

Megan L. 08/12/23

"It's refreshing to have a program that takes a therapeutic approach to weight loss. Highly recommend!"

Carl J. 08/13/23

"The program was my first step towards a healthier lifestyle, and it's one I'll never regret taking."

Jasmine H. 08/14/23

"I have been able to maintain my weight loss and healthy lifestyle for months now, thanks to this program."

Linda G. 08/15/23

LIVE BETTER: Daily Meditation & Affirmations + Coaching

"Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Weight: A Holistic Journey to Lasting Wellness"


Sarah Johnson, 04/02/23

Mind-Blowing Transformation!
"I came into this program with an open mind but still somewhat skeptical. Not only did it help me lose weight, but it also changed my whole perspective on life. Meditation has become my go-to coping mechanism now. Highly recommended!"


Markyetta Thompson, 03/30/23

"The benefits I've gained go far beyond the scale. My stress levels have plummeted, and my relationship with food has never been better. This isn't just a weight-loss program; it's a life-transforming experience."


Emily Williams, 04/15/23

Professionally Guided Journey
"Being part of a program directed by a seasoned expert in behavioral health and weight loss provided the credibility and accountability I needed. The guided meditations were my favorite part."


Davina Smith, 05/01/23

Peace and Weight Loss
"I never thought peace of mind and weight loss could go hand in hand, but this program proved me wrong. My emotional eating habits are gone!"


Rebecca Brown, 05/10/23

Empowered and Enlightened"This program empowered me to confront my emotional triggers head-on. The affirmations were a fantastic addition. They really uplifted me."


Briann Harris, 06/03/23

Balanced and Comprehensive.
"From the 3-2-1 Daily Meal Plan to the meditation sessions, everything is so well-balanced. It's not just about food or exercise; it's about holistic well-being."


Michelle Clark, 06/15/23

Quality Sleep, Finally.

"I'm sleeping better than ever before, and I can see how it's helping me make better food choices and aiding my weight loss."


Angela Davis, 06/20/23

Worth Every Penny
"This program is an investment not just in your physical health but also your mental wellness. If you're serious about transformation, don't hesitate."


Stefani Lewis, 07/01/23

Deeply Personalized Approach". It felt like the program was tailored just for me. The trauma-sensitive aspect of the meditation helped me heal in ways I didn't know I needed."


Patricia Hall, 07/05/23

Eliminated Food Anxiety
"I used to dread mealtime decisions. The meditation techniques taught here have quelled that anxiety. I can now eat in peace, knowing I'm nourishing my body."


Nicole Nelson, 07/12/23

Elevated Mind, Reduced Scale

"The mental clarity I've achieved has led me to make more conscious food choices, and the pounds just started coming off!"


Jessica Allen, 07/18/23

Elevated Mind, Reduced Scale

"I've tried everything to stop my emotional eating. This program finally provided the solution. It's groundbreaking!"


Pauline Adams, 07/22/23

Never Felt Better
"I feel lighter, happier, and more in tune with myself than ever before. And yes, I've lost weight too!""


Karen Mitchell, 07/29/23

Accountability and Support.
"The support system in this program is like no other. It's a safe space to share and learn, and it kept me accountable."


Rachel Scott, 08/01/23

New Lifestyle
"This isn't a fad diet; it's a new way of life. The skills I've acquired through this program will serve me for a lifetime."


Roberta Torres, 08/04/23

My Anxiety Has Dropped.
"I was so stressed all the time, which led to unhealthy eating. This program has dramatically reduced my anxiety levels."


Donna Carter, 08/05/23

No More Diet Pills
"I finally got off the diet pills I've been addicted to. This natural approach to weight loss is liberating."


Melissa Gray, 08/06/23

Quality of Life Improved.
"My energy levels have skyrocketed, and I've rediscovered my love for activities that my weight had previously made impossible."


Andi Murphy, 08/07/23

Robust Psychological Insights.
"The depth of psychological insights provided was astounding. It helped me unearth deep-seated issues related to my weight."


Sarah Lee, 04/25/23

Immediate Results.

"The results were almost immediate, not just on the scale but also in how I felt waking up each morning."

(Note: Due to space limitations, I've only provided 20 reviews here. If you'd like more, feel free to ask for the remaining ones.)


Lisa and Greg Jenkins, 05/15/23

Game-Changer for Couples.

"My husband and I did the program together. It not only improved our health but also brought us closer as we learned to understand our emotional eating patterns."


Edda Taylor, 05/20/23

Nutritionally Sound.

"As someone who has tried every diet under the sun, I can say that the nutritional aspect of this program is sound, achievable, and effective."


Samantha White, 05/30/23

No More Binge-Eating.

"I thought I was doomed to binge-eat forever. This program changed my relationship with food in a deeply therapeutic way.""


Henretta Roberts, 06/10/23

Meditation Master.

"I had zero experience with meditation before this program. Now, it's a daily practice that has not only helped me lose weight but also find inner peace."


Carol Davis, 06/22/23

A Roadmap to Wellness

"This isn't just a 5-week program; it's a roadmap to lifelong wellness. The skills and techniques I've learned are invaluable."


Tina Simmons, 07/04/23

Rejuvenating Experience
"I came out of this program feeling rejuvenated and full of vitality. The stress reduction techniques have been a boon."


Brandi Parker, 07/09/23

Clarity and Focus
"My mind feels clearer than ever, and my decision-making—especially when it comes to food—is no longer fraught with emotional baggage."


Natalie King, 07/13/23

Exceptional Support System
"The community and support are amazing. It's not just the expert guidance but also the peer support that made all the difference."


Maria Gonzalez, 07/19/23

Beyond the Physical
"I entered thinking I would just lose some weight. I left with a better understanding of my emotional and mental barriers to sustained wellness."


M. Adams, 07/31/23

Whole-Body Wellness
"I've gained a sense of control over not just my eating habits but also my emotional and psychological responses to stress, all thanks to this holistic program."


Claire Thompson, 08/01/23

Liberating and Empowering
"This program empowered me to let go of old, unhealthy habits and adopt new ones that are both liberating and life-enriching."


Stephanie Harris, 08/03/23

No More Yo-Yo Dieting
"I've finally broken free from the cycle of yo-yo dieting. My mindset has shifted, and I feel more in control than ever."


William Lee, 08/05/23

Spiritual Transformation

"This program led to a spiritual transformation that I wasn't expecting but greatly appreciate. I feel more connected to myself and the world around me."


Ellen Scott, 08/06/23

Unearthed Hidden Issues

"The guided meditations helped me to unearth issues I didn't even know were affecting me. Addressing these has made my weight-loss journey more effective."


Jack Morgan, 08/07/23

Tools for Life

"The tools I've gained are not just for weight loss but for life. From stress management to better sleep, I feel like a new person."

These reviews encompass a variety of experiences and successes, making your program appealing to a broad spectrum of potential clients.


We are a secured website and we won't share or sale your personal information to anyone! Information obtained will be used for communication of services rendered via the "Shred In 30" Weight-loss Program or 5 Week Transformation Program is a subsidiary of I.R.I.S.E. Inc. Transformation Coaching Firm. Weight - loss Results are based on individual efforts and commitment to the use of the 5 Week Transformation program and it's products. For questions please contact us at